Minky the cat

When I went public and showed my blog to my friends last week they all said one thing was missing and that was our cat. She is a rescue cat that we got from the tierheim in Berlin, this little bundle of trouble picked us more than us picking her when I got in her little room she wouldn’t get off my lap and very loudly demanded to be taken home. Who was I to say no! she is a tortie which means of course she is a girl and when we got her last October they thought she was about a year and a half old although the vet thinks she might be slightly older. Her actual name is Neilly which is a strange name for a cat so we call her Minky.

She also gets nicknamed vampireminky because of this shot I took of her a little while ago.


So here she is as part of the blog for all my friends who requested it, I am sure she will crop up more especially in my follow me fridays.

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